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Acceptance Alchemy is a way to change your mind, let go of resentments and set yourself FREE.

"Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a better past." 

~Anne Lamott

Unbind yourself from your painful story

and limiting beliefs.

Image by engin akyurt
“Acceptance Alchemy
was the first time anyone showed me HOW to forgive. I always knew I needed to, I was desperate to, but I didn't know how. Mirilena taught me how to see it all another way."

Acceptance Alchemy Student, Colorado

Ways to Learn Acceptance Alchemy

Change can often feel scary...

Resistance is normal, you may find yourself deeply longing to do this work and at the same time find a million different reasons why you shouldn't. 

Resistance may sound like the following statements: 

It's not the right time

I'm too busy

I don't deserve this

It's too expensive

I have too much going on

I am scared to look 

&*%$ Forgiveness, they don't deserve it


The thing is YOU DO DESERVE IT

The timing will never be perfect.

You will always have a family to take care of, it will always require an investment on your part, and the fear is normal. 


Your unconscious mind's #1 Job is to PROTECT you. And you have learned how to survive living the way you do. 

Putting the needs of everyone else before yours. 

Seeing the World as a Dangerous Place.

And...honestly believing none of it's up to you. 


To question any of those stories, will trigger a defense mechanism to avoid challenging the status quo. 


What if there is a more vibrant, joyful and free life waiting for you on the other side of that resistance, that fear?! 

What could you HAVE, DO, OR BE?!




Choose Your Thoughts and Change Your LIFE

Your story is your choice.

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