Body Alchemy Chattanooga
Acceptance Alchemy is a way to change your mind, let go of resentments and set yourself FREE.
"Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a better past."
~Anne Lamott
Change can often feel scary...
Resistance is normal, you may find yourself deeply longing to do this work and at the same time find a million different reasons why you shouldn't.
Resistance may sound like the following statements:
It's not the right time
I'm too busy
I don't deserve this
It's too expensive
I have too much going on
I am scared to look
&*%$ Forgiveness, they don't deserve it
The thing is YOU DO DESERVE IT
The timing will never be perfect.
You will always have a family to take care of, it will always require an investment on your part, and the fear is normal.
Your unconscious mind's #1 Job is to PROTECT you. And you have learned how to survive living the way you do.
Putting the needs of everyone else before yours.
Seeing the World as a Dangerous Place.
And...honestly believing none of it's up to you.
To question any of those stories, will trigger a defense mechanism to avoid challenging the status quo.
What if there is a more vibrant, joyful and free life waiting for you on the other side of that resistance, that fear?!
What could you HAVE, DO, OR BE?!